5 Best Poses for Desk Jockeys
5 Best Poses for Desk Jockeys
Many of my clients spend the majority of their day at a desk, in a car or in a plane – in short, sitting.
We all know that sitting is the new smoking, so to counteract all that bad stuff, here’s a simple 5 minute sequence you can do anywhere!
Keep your Ujjayi breath flowing free as you explore this mini retreat in your body, and your day!
Crescent Lunge (arms overhead). You can also interlace the fingers behind the back to open up your chest. Benefits: lengthens hip flexors, opens chest, pectorals and shoulders
Extended Side Angle. Benefits: Lengthens side body, waist, and neck. Stretches abdomen.
Forward Bend: Benefits: lengthens hamstrings, spine, neck.
Wide legged forward bend (walk to one foot, then the other) Benefits: lengthens hamstrings and spine
Baby Back Bend (Cobra or Sphinx) Benefits: opens up upper chest, reduces tension in shoulders, counteracts ‘slump’and hunchbackedness