Acupressure for Low Back Pain
Acupressure for Low Back Pain
Recently a friend of mine complained of extreme calf tightness following an intense stair workout.
I taught her how to relieve her calf pain with this Myofascial Release technique Part 1 and
Myofascial Release technique Part 2 in Hero Pose.
She told me that as she sat into the balls, she suddenly felt her tailbone release. The tightness in her back that seemed omnipresent also lessened. What a surprise!
I was reminded of how deeply intertwined our body parts are; we cannot separate muscle groups, we must approach the body as a whole, miraculous entity capable of healing itself.
There are some phenomenally powerful acupressure points in the calves. When we release these, the chi / prana / life force can flow and we feel other parts of our bodies release.
I learned about these acupressure for low back pain points from master Massage Therapist and Acupuncturist, Cindy Black of Big Tree Healing.
They are all points along the Bladder Meridian. Releasing calves simultaneously relieves low back pain and restrictions along the entire back body.
When low back pain is not responding to deep lunges, hamstring stretches, or glute stretches, this technique is what I reach for. I also roll out the feet like this.
Infographic from Cindy Black / Big Tree Healing
2 Yoga Tune Up Balls or 2 tennis balls
2 Yoga Blocks
Knee surgery
Knee pain in acute knee bending poses like Child’s Pose
Try this out and let me know what you think.
I demonstrate it on my Instagram @thecoachcat.
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