Black Sesame Bliss Balls
Black Sesame Bliss Balls (Paleo-friendly)
Ok, true confession. I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
But I try not to eat them.
They’re processed, loaded with sugar and just not one of the greatest sweet choices you could make.
Suffice it to say I’ve been on a life-long hunt to make something that tastes like RPBC’s but is healthy.
When my mom told me about this new culinary discovery – Black Tahini – I created these Black Sesame Bliss Balls and OMG, they are eerily reminiscent of RPBCs, but are peanut-free, gluten-free, white-sugar free and high in protein! Not bad for a happy accident.
They’re also not loaded in fruit sugars because they don’t have dates or figs as the main ingredient.
The only unusual ingredient is Black Tahini – just ground up black sesame seeds. I got mine on Amazon.
INGREDIENTS (makes a dozen 2″ balls)
1 C almond flour (super fine)
1/2 C shredded organic coconut (unsweetened)
1/2 C finely chopped walnuts
1 TSP kosher salt
1 TSP vanilla extract
4 TBSP black tahini
2 heaping TBSP liquid sweetener of your choice (I like honey and maple syrup)
*cocoa powder, black sesame seeds, or shredded coconut for rolling
Mix all ingredients except [*].
Chill in freezer for 15 min.
Roll into 2″ balls, then roll in cocoa, black sesame seeds, or coconut.
Store chilled & Enjoy!
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