BRIDGE POSE (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
BRIDGE POSE is a great elementary backbend which also happens to be a nice heart opener. It is often sequenced at the end of a session as part of a cool-down towards SAVASANA.
Lay on your back with bent knees hip width apart. Feet parallel to one another on the floor. Arms at your side, palms down.
Adjust your heels close enough to your buttocks such that the fingers lightly graze the heels.
On an inhale, press into the feet to lift the pelvis up, keeping the buttocks loosely engaged.
Walk your shoulder blades together so you can interlace the fingers behind the back.
Stay here for 4-8 breaths.
Exhale and release one vertebra at a time.
Reach the fists toward the heels – make sure palms are touching.
Slightly tuck the chin
Make sure knees are over ankles, and slightly squeeze the knees together.
Reach the tailbone toward the heels.
For beginners, try holding a BLOCK in between the thighs
- Stretches the shoulders, neck and upper thoracic spine
- Tones the buttocks
- Opens the chest and lungs
- Improves digestion
- Cervical (neck) injuries