Chaturanga Tutorial
Chaturanga Tutorial
Today I want to break down one of the most common and difficult poses in modern yoga – Chaturanga Dandasana.
Also called Four Limbed Staff Pose or simply, the Yoga Push Up, Chaturanga carries risk of injury if performed incorrectly over time. Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff issues and shoulder impingement can be sidestepped by mastering the basics of this pose!
Chaturanga is the most difficult pose in the Sun Salutations A & B and part of a transitional triad (Plank, Chaturanga, Cobra) that open and close the body.
Let’s look at how to work with this pose!
1- MICROENGAGEMENTS – this will teach you which parts of the body to activate!
In Plank pose, set up 4 blocks in a grid under your belly (below the breasts for women). You can substitute a bolster or a stack of blankets.
Slide the thumbs back by the nipples – elbows point up to the sky, arms hug the sides of the body.
Drive through the heels.
Look forward.
Now, lift your belly button to the spine, press your palms into the floor and lift your torso off the supports. Draw your shoulder blades down your back.
It will probably take tremendous effort but just practice lifting your body off the support, holding for a breath and lowering.
In Plank Pose, bring the shoulders over the wrists and drop your knees.
Lift the belly button, look forward and hugging elbows towards the midline, lower down.
Release the legs.
If your arms were properly set up, thumbs should be near the nipples, elbows pointing up, and you can press up into Cobra now.
Work on Exercises 1 & 2 until you can do full Chaturanga safely!
Do you have a favorite Chaturanga tip? If so, share in the comments below!