Soul & Spirit
Published on May 6th, 2019 | by Catherine Tingey
0Consciousness and Partnership
Consciousness and Partnership
Most of us have had the experience of wanting more love from someone.
It could be a partner, a parent or a mentor. We may even think that there’s something wrong with us because if we were better/perfect/more awesome, then surely we’d get the love we want.
But human beings can only love from their current level of consciousness. This consciousness pervades everything we do – how we treat ourselves, people we don’t know, animals, co-workers and loved ones.
Consciousness is not like social etiquette, turned on and off depending on present company. Consciousness is also not an air that some spiritual people put on to suggest, ‘I’m enlightened and you’re not.’
Consciousness is a state of awareness, an ever evolving journey of the self towards truth.
We are all born with different levels of consciousness.
Some people are interested in heightening their consciousness. They go on Ayahuasca journeys and work with shamans. That’s one way.
Some people practice yoga and meditation.
Some people practice acts of service – doing good deeds for other people.
Some people abstain from animal products.
It’s perfectly okay to have zero interest in boosting your level of consciousness.
If consciousness is important to you, choose wisely when selecting a partner in work or love. People can only partner with you from their current level of consciousness.
-Coach Cat
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