Published on August 23rd, 2013 | by Catherine Tingey
0CORPSE POSE (Savasana)
CORPSE POSE (Savasana)
Always the sweet finale to a yoga practice, CORPSE POSE can also be very challenging, especially for tightly wound, type-A personalities.
That’s precisely why it’s important to practice it.
Often in our Western yoga classes, we emphasize physical exertion and forget that the shapes we put our bodies into are mere stepping stones to the ULTIMATE GOAL…of QUIETING THE MIND.
So while our bodies may be wrung out and dripping in sweat, the mind needs to learn the practice of LETTING GO.
This practice is best learned through one-on-one instruction with a Certified Yoga Instructor/Meditation Teacher.
A meditation teacher will instruct you in progressive RELAXATION TECHNIQUES and GUIDED IMAGERY to enable your body and mind to fully relax, and recharge in CORPSE POSE.
Spread the arms and legs away from the trunk at a comfortable distance.
Bend the elbows with the fingers pointing to the sky, like robot arms.
Release both shoulder blades into the mat. Straighten the arms and lay them beside the body, palms facing the sky.
Close the eyes and begin a BODY SCAN or GUIDED MEDITATION.
There is no physical work to be done in Corpse Pose (Savasana).
There is only the more challenging practice of stilling the mind through non-attachment to thought.
Roll onto your right side, using your folded right arm to support the weight of your head.
With eyes closed, slowly come up with the head last.
Pause here in Comfortable Seated Pose (Sukhasana)