CRESCENT POSE (Ashta Chandrasana)
CRESCENT POSE, also called CRESCENT WARRIOR or a HIGH LUNGE, is a great Standing Posture that combines balance work with a deep opening and release of the hips.
It is essentially WARRIOR I except the for the difference in position of the BACK FOOT.
- Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, upper back, and shoulders
- Stretches hip flexors
- Opens the chest for deeper breathing
- Improves balance and inner focus
- Tones the abdominal muscles
In DOWNWARD FACING DOG, INHALE and lift the right leg to the sky for THREE LEGGED DOG.
Engage the core by slightly releasing the tailbone to the floor.
Exhale and step the foot between the hands, ideally into a 90 degree angle. Walk the foot 2-3″ to the right, to aid balance.
Come onto the BALL of the LEFT FOOT and firm the LEFT LEG.
Keeping the hips square over the right knee, raise both arms to the sky.
Release the tailbone to the earth – this will keep the low back from overarching.
Draw in the front ribs.
Lift through the fingers and soften the shoulders down away from the ears.
Exhale and plant the palms on either side of the RIGHT FOOT and step the RIGHT FOOT back to DOWNWARD FACING DOG.
Take the other side.
VARIATIONS include CRESCENT LOW LUNGE (Anjaneyasana) with the back knee and foot both released on the ground.