Five Safe Hip Openers
There is a lot of emphasis on hip opening in yoga. Sometimes too much.
It’s a dirty little secret in the yoga world that many advanced practitioners have had hip replacement surgeries. No one likes to talk about this.
If you have worked with me, you know that I’m a conservative teacher and always advocate a balance of STRENGTH and FLEXIBILITY.
Hypermobility without the support of strong musculature = injury.
Remember: the goal is always a balance between STRENGTH and FLEXIBILITY.
But why are hip openers so popular in modern yoga and what benefits do these poses offer us?
In general, most clients find some degree of ‘release’ in hip opening postures, particularly reclining ones. According to yogic tradition, the hips are gateways to the emotional body, and general feelings of ‘letting go’ can be experienced in some or many of these postures.
Tight hips can also pull on the lumbar spine (low back) and contribute to lower back pain. Tight gluteal muscles and hamstrings are also a major contributor to low back pain.
Here are my top 5 Safe (and gentle) Hip Openers: