Have you heard of Immortelle?
Have you heard of Immortelle?
Immortelle is known as the ‘swiss army knife of essential oils’ for its superior action at reducing bruising and injury.
Many are familiar with Arnica but Immortelle, also known as Helichrysum Italicum, is its super charged twin. I have found this oil to be an essential part of a home first aid kit.
A member of the daisy family, Helichrysum has a long Mediterranean history and was used for crowning Greek Gods after battle.
[I could not determine if the flowers were used or some ancient steam distilling of the flowers to render an oil or hydrosol. If anyone knows, feel free to email me].
Immortelle EO yields a rich, herbaceous scent that smells a bit like curry; a little goes a long way.
Many pounds of blooms are required to get a ml of the oil; this makes Immortelle precious and expensive. Once you’ve experienced the anti-inflammatory properties though, it becomes an indispensable friend in your holistic apothecary.
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The first time I tried Immortelle on a broken finger, the swelling was gone the next day. Digit still broken and couldn’t support weight, but less pain because the swelling was down.
Since then, I’ve used Immortelle on so many bumps and bruises.
The key is to apply 1 drop immediately after the injury; then just let it be. If you like to ice right after a blunt force trauma to an area, ice for 5 minutes.
Yesterday I smashed the top of my foot under a low hanging shelf, and forgot to ice. I did place 1 drop of Immortelle on it. The next morning some discoloration, but virtually no pain.
The effect of this oil is VERY DRAMATIC.
I will remember to take BEFORE and AFTER pictures to add to this post.
Note: it is very powerful so consider the area before applying it neat. I would definitely dilute it for facial skin and for sensitive skin. As always with essential oils, do a patch test.
Now that summer is in full bloom, consider Immortelle an essential part of your home first aid kit.
The Earth has so many gifts to share with us.
There is a treatment for every malady; we just need to stay open and curious.
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This is the brand I use:
Some more information on Immortelle from Eden Botanicals.
“It is a plant that can grow in even the most depleted soils and under very harsh conditions, provided there is abundant sunshine. It has a rich spectrum of pharmacologically active compounds; aromatherapy literature is filled with numerous anecdotal cases of its successful use in skin care as well as its profound effects on damaged tissue. But because it is only within the last 20 years that Helichrysum has been distilled and in the last 10 years more widely distributed, it is very late to appear in the aromatherapists’ arsenals; thus, until recently, the amount of scientific research on this oil has been very slim. What is known is that Helichrysum contains the highest known percentage of beta-diketones of any essential oil. Diketones, found only in Helichrysum italicum, are highly regarded as important constituents responsible in part for Helichrysum’s reputation for its many superlative skin care benefits.”
Helichrysum also has a host of cosmetic uses and is used in facial creams, toners and serums. I don’t have first hand experience with that.
As with all essential oils, if you have sensitive skin try a patch test. You can also use a carrier oil like jojoba for bruise application. I have only tried 1 drop neat.
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