Have You Tried This Fermented Food?
Have You Tried This Fermented Food?
I stumbled across this product quite by accident and found
This stuff is seriously so good I can’t believe it hasn’t put the pickle industry out of business.
I’m talking about SAUERKRAUT.
But this is not excessively salty, sour or weird!!!
If the word sauerkraut conjures rancid school lunch or hospital cafeterias, I hear you, but read the Amazon reviews – you can taste the small-batch-goodness.
If you love pickles, you will seriously LOVE sauerkraut by Pickled Planet.**Not sponsored.
I stumbled upon Courtlandt Jenning’s homegrown kraut while shopping at Azure.
[Azure is a renegade model in organic grocery–they deliver your food to designated ‘drops’ and you pick it up off a tractor trailer. Highly recommend shopping with them, and the food freedom values they stand for.]
Anyway, I’d tried making DIY sauerkraut and it developed a funk (probably from inconsistent temperatures) and I threw it out.
So when I saw this product – VEDA sauerkraut (below), sauerkraut infused with Indian spices, I was intrigued.
Imagine my surprise when I opened this jar and smelled the most delicious, crunchy and tangy cabbage. No bad memories just sharp, crunchy goodness!
And no excessive salt (in case you’re watching sodium levels).
Seriously, this stuff is so AMAZINGLY good and GOOD FOR YOU.
Move over probiotic supplements because most raw/live/unpasteurized sauerkraut contains trillions of CFUs (colony forming units) in just 2 TBSP.
Even your fanciest probiotic cannot compete with that.
I’ve noticed mood and energy improvements, HUGE digestion improvement and I feel like my entire body is functioning more optimally. [This is on 1-2 TBSP/day, not a lot.]
Sleep schedule normalized, eating and elimination schedule balanced.
Top your avocado toast
Inside of a sandwich
Atop a rice/protein bowl
Add to a charcuterie plate – I like to eat mine with very sharp cheddar cheese
My favorite flavors are the Indian spice infused Veda Kraut, and if I’m feeling the least bit of under-immunity, the I-boost.
Stocked at Whole Foods but not all flavors.
I order from Wild Mountain Paleo and shipping is very fast and reasonable. They stock the entire line.
If you try this, let me know what you think.
As always, I am not associated with this product or brand in any way; simply a fan.
Namaste, Catherine
If you like making your own fermented food, check out my Kimchi and Coconut Kefir recipes.
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