
Profiles Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Healer Profile Rehmannia Dean Thomas

Published on January 31st, 2022 | by Catherine Tingey


Healer Profile Rehmannia Dean Thomas

Healer Profile Rehmannia Dean Thomas

Years ago while in Ojai with my Mom, I stumbled into an herbal shop and met healer, herbalist and writer, Rehmannia Dean Thomas.

My Mom, who is Chinese, was impressed with Rehmannia’s deep knowledge of Chinese herbalism. We both got pulse diagnoses which were very accurate, and I took home an autographed copy of Healing Thresholds, as well as some herbs.

Rehmannia is a Taoist Tonic Herbalist in the Gate of Life lineage, a 5000 year old herbal system from China (est. 2975 BC).

He has created herbal tonic product lines (Shaman Shack), consulted on others (Moon Juice), and his new RDT Connoisseurs line of supertonic elixirs is available now online.

To reach Rehmannia directly for a Complimentary Health Consultation and tonic recommendations, email: Rdt@rdeanthomas.com

Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Healer Profile Rehmannia Dean Thomas

I had the pleasure of talking with Rehmannia about his new product line, life, inspiration and purpose.

Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Healer Profile Rehmannia Dean Thomas

RDT with Reishi

Healer Profile Rehmannia Dean Thomas

Tell me about your name. For those new to Chinese herbalism, they might not understand the significance. 

The name Rehmannia came to me during a late-night Arizona sweat bath experience. I always loved the herb Rehmannia because it is an anti-aging tonic that nourishes the blood.

I know you as an author, herbal formulator in the Taoist tradition and a healer. I think you mentioned in your book, Healing Thresholds, that you are also a forager of wild greens.  How would you describe yourself ?

I started actively working to heal others in the year 1994. At that time, all I knew about was raw green vegetable juicing, so I created a garden, growing the plants as nutritively as I could, and began going to people’s homes to make tea for their illnesses. I didn’t really know what I was doing, except that people seemed to recuperate dramatically. In 1998 I asked for a teacher ~ and I wanted to learn the deepest health secrets ~ and later that night I met Master Herbalist Ron Teeguarden. Over the next 8 years I studied under him, learning about Tonic Herbalism. But I never forgot the power of the green juicing, and until this day I like to combine these two health modalities in my own health regimen and others.

Where are you from and what sparked your interest in Chinese herbalism?

I am from Valley Station Kentucky, a suburb of Louisville. From the beginning I didn’t resonate with life there and was eager to travel to California where it appeared I had many kindred. But despite my Kentucky upbringing, many mystical events and guiding lessons graced my life, and still do to this day.

What made you create the RDT Connoisseurs line and how is it different from Shaman Shack Herbs?

I have been developing new formulas as I’ve grown and felt like the energy with my old company was stagnant. So, I decided to create this new Connoisseurs line reflecting my most recent innovations in Tonic Herbal Alchemy. It just felt like time for a new start. I’m still proud of my creations at Shaman Shack, but I just had to move on. Soon, I will have analogues of Morning Jing and Sea Clear – two of my faves…

Favorite formulas you’ve created, past and present?

Gosh, they’re all my babies! But I have taken great pride in moving the Chinese herbal Materia Medica forward with a few of these formulations, especially my more innovative formulas EMPATH (a formula for healers to replenish), and EMBRACE (a 4th Chakra love formula for couples); there are no existing formulas quite like them in all Chinese herbalism.

Other favorites include:

What is your proudest achievement ?

I have many, but I am very proud of my three novels. They all contain highly inspirational and educational language and lessons, imbued in dramatic page-turner intrigues. I am very honored to have been chosen to channel these wonderful works. I also recognize that my Chinese Tonic herbal alchemy is special. It astounds me that this Kentucky boy was fortunate enough to learn these great and ancient health secrets.

Lessons you’ve learned making a living as a healer, writer, formulator? 

The divine Mastery has yet to shower me with abundant money. I’m happy with that and understand that I always have just enough to get by. I am so fortunate in so many ways, and feel assured prosperity and ease of life will show up when the time is right.

Any books in the future?

I’m working on getting my three novels published or self-published. Also I want to publish my books on Chinese Herbalism, including Elixirs of Immortality, Threshold to the 4th Chakra, and more.

Finally, what drives you? Current and past sources of inspiration?

I wish to inspire people to live creatively and abundantly. We are all in this together, and our earth and all her creatures look for us to awaken to our inter-dependence with all life and fully divinely engage in this incredibly wonderful pageant.

Healer Rehmannia Dean Thomas

Website: https://rdeanthomas.com/

Email: Rdt@rdeanthomas.com

Phone: 323.423.7238

Official Bio

Rehmannia is a Taoist Tonic Herbalist in the Gate of Life lineage, a 5000 year old herbal system from China (est. 2975 BC). His experience with Chinese herbalism began in 1985 during a visit to herb farms in Northeastern China. After returning, he and his then Chinese wife made tonic herbal tinctures in their kitchen.

In 1998, Rehmannia met Master Herbalist Ron Teeguarden and became his personal apprentice until 2006.

In 2007, Rehmannia created his first business, Shaman Shack, where he formulated ground-breaking tonic elixir formulas including 3 IMMORTALS, MORNING JING, SEA CLEAR.

He also designed the original Moon Dusts for Moon Juice, and more. During this time, Rehmannia innovated new developments in the field of Chinese herbalism, introducing pure filler-free 10:1 bulk powdered extracts in straight-sided jars (no maltodextrin, no capsules), and promoted drinking as elixirs. 

He also innovated the use of Shilajit and ORMUS as amplifying devices.

In April 2021, Rehmannia resigned from Shaman Shack to create his new  RDT Connoisseurs line.

Rehmannia is a U.C. Master Gardener, focusing on Permaculture. He studied Chinese medical diagnosis at Alhambra University  and obtained a degree from Natural Healing College as “Master Herbalist”, but adheres to the title Master Teeguarden gave him as “Superior herbalist.”

Rehmannia has written 9 books including Raw Chi, Healing Thresholds, and The Hsien, and is near completion of an online course in Taoist health philosophy and Tonic herbalism in the Gate of Life lineage. www.gateoflife.org. He is also an accomplished artist and musician.

Rehmannia is the creator of all the products at rdeanthomas.com. He is truly a front-runner in his field and has taught and influenced many mendicants of Tonic herbalism.

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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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