
Product Reviews Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Mahanarayan Oil For Stiff Joints

Published on January 13th, 2025 | by Catherine Tingey


Mahanarayan Oil For Stiff Joints

Mahanarayan Oil For Stiff Joints

I recently discovered this oil and I’m excited to share my experience working with it. Maybe this will help someone!

Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Mahanarayan Oil For Stiff JointsMahanarayan Oil is an herbal infused oil from the Ayurvedic (Indian) tradition. It is most commonly used topically as a liniment for stiff muscles and joints. It contains a very long list of herbs, the scent is earthy/spicy, and it feels warming as you massage it in.

The formula, regardless of brand, should have sesame oil as its main ingredient (carrier oil). Ayurveda values sesame oil and you will see it recommended in many self-care practices like Abhyanga (warmed oil massage) and Shirodhara (the pouring of warmed oil or other liquid over the forehead/3rd eye). Sesame is considering grounding for all constitutions, but particularly those with Vata dosha. For more on doshas, go here.

The recommended practice with Mahanarayan Oil is to apply the oil, followed by steam therapy like a hot shower, or warm wrap.

I wanted to see what would happen if I applied the oil and did the steam therapy, and then also if I didn’t steam.

About a week ago I sprained my left ankle in dog training. Satya was in between my legs in a down, heard another dog bark, darted out to the side and I fell over.

Like most sprained ankles, it felt tender at first, and in the coming days, stiff, stiff, stiff.

The first day I massaged about 1 TBSP into the ankle, heel cup, arch, toes and even up into my lower calf. Then took a shower. Put on warm socks to keep the area warm. It felt better during the day, but not significantly.

I waited a few more days —the stiffness was not going away – and this time did the same oil massage but at night, applied socks, and went to sleep.

The next morning I felt a significant reduction in stiffness when doing non-weight based ankle circles (my way of testing out the healing process).



Ever since the running days of my 20s and the marathoning of my 30s, I have tried out so many liniments. When traveling to other countries, I will always buy what they recommend in local pharmacies and try it out.

Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Mahanarayan Oil For Stiff JointsSome old faves:

Pain Away (Australia) – very good slip, arnica and rosemary oil plus emu oil. I still like this stuff.

Kwan Loong Oil (Singapore) – strong camphor scent, don’t apply on recently showered skin or skin that is about to do vigorous exercise because it will burn! Decent.

Dulac Arnica Cream (Italy) – mildly scented and moisturizing but did not notice a huge difference with this.

Nelsons Strain or Nelsons Arnicare (homeopathic) – I have not found homeopathic liniments, including those made by Boiron, to be that effective for joint stiffness. I do think they are helpful in reducing swelling immediately following force to an area though.

FlexAgain – This is hard to find, but I loved this for my knees when marathoning. It has emu oil and MSM. My favorite for knee pain.

Tiger Balm – balm and patches. I don’t use the balm (too greasy for my clothes) but the patches have been helpful for stiff shoulders, neck and back. I buy the large size ones, and cut if needed.

Khalilii Cream – this has a good ingredient list, but is sticky. Made by a CA chiropractor.

Eden’s Garden Muscle Relief (apply a few drops to a lotion or one of these creams).

Voltaren Gel – This is topical Advil, an NSAID cream. I’m not a huge fan of this. Was prescription only in the USA until 2020, now OTC.


1- With liniments, you have to be careful applying ones with menthol or capsicum prior to exercise because as your body heats up, the skin can burn. This has happened to me and I don’t recommend it!

2- Also, do not apply menthol or capsicum based liniments to freshly showered skin. The pores are open and the skin can burn.

3- When oiling the feet, take extra precautions when showering. The shower/tub can be VERY slippery with any lotion or oil on feet.

If you have a liniment you love, especially if it’s something off the beaten path, feel free to share. I’d love to try it!


Catherine & Satya

Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Mahanarayan Oil For Stiff Joints

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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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