Mini Core Vinyasa
Mini Core Vinyasa
During the heat of the summer when the body is warm and open, vinyasa sequences can be done with a little less preparatory work.
Here is a mini-sequence for core stability which can be repeated a couple of times for a full core workout.
Lift hips up into TABLE POSE
With the belly gently lifted towards the spine, inhale the right arm forward, and the left leg back.
Lift through the inner left thigh. Turn the toes down and drag the right shoulder blade away from the ear.
Exhale, Shorten the distance between hip points and lower ribs, and bring right elbow to left knee.
Repeat for 5 breaths
With the belly still lifted, extend the right arm to the right, left leg to the left. Reach through right fingertips and left heel.
Finally, grasp the left foot or ankle with the right hand. Gently press the foot into the hand to open the right chest and shoulder.
Sit back into Childs Pose or release the wrists by placing them under your knees in table pose.
Do you have a favorite mini core sequence, either from the Yoga or Pilates tradition?
If so, comment below!