Myofascial Release for Low Back Pain
Myofascial Release for Low Back Pain
Do you ever get up from sitting and feel stiffness across your low back?
How about upon waking or bending down to pick something from the floor?
There can be various contributors to low back pain – structural, muscular and emotional – and I’ve devoted many posts and videos on this blog to the topic.
This is one of my favorite ways to relieve low back pain that is muscular in origin caused by tightness around the upper buttock and outer hip.
I demonstrate how to do this on Instagram .
All you need is a foam roller, preferably one that is medium to soft.
[The ultra firm ones, which are usually black, may not be comfortable.
If you like deeper work, try a textured roller like the Half Size Blue Rumble Roller.]
Myofascial Release for Low Back Pain
Lay on your right side with your forearm on the mat.
Roughly align your elbow under your shoulder.
Place the roller under your right upper buttock. This is around the waistband of your pants.
Extend the right leg fully.
Bend the left leg and place the foot in front of the extended right leg.
Using your left foot as a driver, roll a section of the outer hip/upper buttock about 4-8″ long.
Repeat other side.
** I like to place an Airex pad Blue Standard under my forearm to pad my elbow.
Follow with a Forward Bend and a hip opener like Lizard.
If you want to learn to relieve your low back pain with yoga and myofascial release, these are my specialties.
I hope this helps someone today!
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