Ode to The Ordinary Day
Ode To The Ordinary Day
Recently I experienced my first hurricane. Growing up in upstate NY, and later Southern California, we do not have any experience with this type of weather.
Almost 5 days without power made me think about the humble beauty in the ordinary day.
The day that unfolds much like the day before, and perhaps even as the day following.
The day that can feel slightly ho-hum unless you stop and count your blessings.
The day that lacks a ‘peak experience’ or other momentous moment to make it memorable.
The day that has no palpable drama or unrest.
The day that suffers no mental disturbance.
The day that holds no personal tragedy.
The day that unfolds so smoothly, like the goodest child, trying to be invisible and unobtrusive.
The day free from all forms of irritation – bodily, psychic, emotional, spiritual, political, environmental.
When I re-read this list, I see the ‘ordinary’ day is really the extraordinary day.
May we all have the state of mind that notices and can savor the ordinary.
Normal Day
Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are.
Let me learn from you, love you, savor you, bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
Let me hold you while I may, for it will not always be so.
One day I shall dig my nails into the earth or bury my face in the pillow,
or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky,
and want more than all the world your return.
–Mary Jean Irion
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