Personalized Private Yoga Instruction
Personalized Private Yoga Instruction
Imagine waking up strong, flexible and pain-free!
I’m Catherine Tingey and for the past 11 years, I’ve taught thousands of private yoga classes to high performers.
Email with any questions.
Fill out the Waiver and Health History forms which I will email you.
Once I receive your forms, I will be in touch within 24 hours to schedule your Evaluation/First Class.
Evaluation …$500 (90-120 minutes)
Single Session…$350 (75 minutes)
We begin with an Evaluation where I get to know you and your wellness goals, as well as your health history. The Evaluation also includes movement.
From there, I design a customized program that we start in the Single Sessions following the Evaluation.
Payment is required 48 hours before to hold your class. I accept Venmo and Zelle.
Cancellation is required 48 hours before class.
If cancelled in the 48 hour window before class, the session will be deducted from your package.
If you are not on a package, you will be required to pay for the class before booking another.
You are always welcome to pre-pay for your classes. Many clients do this to make it easier to remember payment. There is no discount for pre-paid packages.
Packages can be bought in bundles of 10, 20 or 30.
It is not required to purchase packages, but it is recommended.
Yes! Just let me know the approximate duration and what the objective of the program is.
I will design you a home program and send to you within 7 days of the request.
The home program can be a PDF or Video – your choice.
When you want a new one, just ask.
I recommend twice a week to start. Feel it out, see if you like me, see how you feel.
You can always add more yoga into your week with me, or via other teachers, later.
- A yoga mat – This is a good mat to start. If you want the Mercedes of mats, this one.
- 2 yoga blocks – I recommend these.
- 1 canvas yoga strap – I recommend these. Buy 8′ if you are under 6′ tall. Buy 10' if you are over 6' tall.
- A yoga blanket – I recommend these.
- A yoga bolster – Any standard rectangular bolster will do. I recommend this. Some clients have this one.
- Airex balance pad
- Magic Circle
- Yoga Tune Up Balls or 2 tennis balls in a sock
- Physio Ball
Any comfortable clothing is fine. No shoes or socks so I can see your feet.
Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is an umbrella term that describes most of modern yoga – physical posture + breath.
Your classes may also include elements from:
- Restorative/Yin Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga (use of props)
- Bikram Yoga
- Ashtanga/Vinyasa/Power Yoga (flow style)
- Classical Mat Pilates
- Myofascial Release (body rolling with balls or foam roller)
- Traditional stretching from Physical Therapy
- Guided Meditation
- Breathwork
- Tai Chi/Chi Gong (energy work)
I love beginners–they have a special place in my heart–and I have helped many people with back pain.
I email recordings within 24 hours of completing the class.
No. Emphatically, NO.
I take privacy issues very seriously. Your class will be emailed to you within 24 hours. I do not keep a database of the recordings. I encourage all my students to keep an archive of their classes.
You can request a home program (5 min, 15 min, 30 min – your choice) and this will be sent to you via PDF or video.
You can be doing your home program or any other activities you enjoy.
Email me at All my clients have 24/7 email access to me.
I work with about 12 people at a time, 15 maximum. Sometimes I have a waiting list, but I can usually see you within a month.
Of course!
- Duets – $450
- Single – $350
*If you and your spouse have very different health objectives, I recommend separate classes to get individual attention.
As of 2023, I have been teaching privately for 11 years. I have been practicing yoga for 31 years.
I did my 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training Certification with James Brown in Los Angeles. James created the Yoga Teacher Training curriculum at the now defunct, YogaWorks, and started his own company called YogaPoser. I did my TT with YogaPoser in January 2013 and began teaching privates shortly after.
- Self-study: Tai Chi & Chi Gong (Leia Cohen, Kenneth Gray, Alex Wang, 2020-present)
- Self-study and Led Workshops: Myofascial Release/Body Rolling (2013-present)
- Certification: Classical Mat Pilates (Power Pilates, 2016)
- Certification: Pranic Healing (Master Co, 2012)
- Certification: Vedic Meditation (Will Dalton, 2011)