
Yoga Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles

Published on April 24th, 2017 | by Catherine Tingey


Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles

Private Yoga Instructor Los AngelesPrivate Yoga Instructor Los Angeles

Since 2013, I have specialized in creating custom yoga programs designed for individual bodies. This is not one-size-fits-all yoga.

My clients have ranged in ages from 23-96. About 50% of my clients are beginners, 25% those with injuries, 25% intermediate-advanced yoga practitioners.


Working with a private yoga instructor is the best way to learn the basics of yoga. I recommend private yoga for beginners, anyone with injuries, those with busy work and family lives, and anyone wanting a personalized approach to their health and their mind-body workouts.

The majority of my clients come to me with a specific goal. It could be a desire to improve overall flexibility, reduce back pain, ease insomnia, heal from recent trauma (either physical or emotional) or even ‘because my doctor told me I should.’

Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles WHAT IS YOGA?

Yoga in the west is taught primarily as a system of physical posture (asana) and breathwork (pranayama). Yoga in Sanskrit means ‘union’ but also has connotations of a yoking or harnessing that is difficult to translate. I describe this as a coming together of the body and mind that is the inevitable result of a consistent yoga practice.

Did you know that modern hatha yoga, the physical practice that we think of when we think of yoga – offered on every corner in American cities – is only about 100 years old?  And did you know that it was primarily taught to young men as preparation for long hours of seated meditation? Fascinating, isn’t it?

Are you looking to increase your flexibility, deepen an existing yoga practice, recover from previous injuries, heal back pain, or simply add more relaxation into your life?

Regardless of what brought you here, a customized yoga program can address all of your needs and more.

Depending on your goals and current health, your customized yoga program might include elements of:

  • Vinyasa Yoga

  • Iyengar Yoga

  • Restorative/Yin Yoga

  • Guided Meditation

  • Mindfulness exercises

  • Breathing Techniques

  • Myofascial Release

  • Pilates


Your first session will be 90 minutes minimum.

We’ll start by reviewing your health history (based on the questionnaire you’ve filled out prior) and address any specific injuries or concerns you might have. I’ll give you a brief introduction to yoga as a system, myself and my teaching philosophy, and some ground rules.

We will also discuss what your goals are for your private yoga sessions.

Then we move through a practice I’ve designed for you and I note what is easy, what is difficult and what I would like to work with you on in the future.

I like a very open dialogue with my clients – there are never any ‘dumb’ questions – and  I pride myself on being a non-dogmatic teacher. Throughout the session you can ask any questions you might have, and I will be asking you where you might be ‘feeling’ a certain movement or stretch. All of this data helps me get an understanding of your body and how I can tailor your sessions to help you reach your goals.

After each private yoga session, you will receive an email with pictures of each pose covered in the session. This visual aid can greatly help in developing your home practice.

My goal is always for my clients to become educated, empowered and independent of me. In this way, they can take their yoga off their mat and into the world, wherever they may be.

I recommend that my clients do some sort of yoga practice, even for 15 minutes, 3x a week. That can be with me, on their own, in a class or with a streaming video or DVD. Usually after ~5 private yoga sessions, clients feel comfortable with their growing repertoire of postures to begin a short home practice.

I love teaching people of all ages and abilities because I believe there is something in the yoga system for everyone.

WHAT IF I’M NOT FLEXIBLE (and other yoga fears)?

This is precisely the reason about 50% of my clients come to me. Modern life (driving, sitting, looking at phones) wreaks a bitter havoc on our bodies. It shortens hamstrings and hip flexors, and can contribute to back pain and even limit our ability to do simple things, like bend down and get up. Combine that with sports or activities like walking and running and you have a recipe for imbalance in the body.

In the yoga I teach, we are always striving for a balance between strength and flexibility.

In my own body, this has proved a life-long, challenging quest. Too much running or hiking or days at the gym and my flexibility is hindered. Too much yoga and my sacrum and hips become too open and unstable.

This elusive balance is what keeps me interested in learning a variety of new movement systems, not just yoga.

My job as a Private Yoga Instructor is to analyze, listen and observe your body, then create a unique program that will help you achieve your goals in the duration you’ve allotted for us to work together.

In searching for a Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles, make sure you ‘interview’ several instructors first. You want someone you feel comfortable with as they will likely be visiting you in your home, someone whose authority you trust, and someone who really listens to and understands your goals.

It is also important that your Private Yoga Instructor evolve with you over time. When I work with clients over an extended period, their goals may change, their bodies definitely change, and there may be extenuating circumstances in their work and family lives that change.

Change is inevitable, so it’s important that your instructor be receptive to your evolving body and be able to pivot.

If you are interested in learning from a certified Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles, feel free to contact me. If I can’t help you, I can probably refer you to someone who can!




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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.


About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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