Raw Chocolate Yogurt
Raw Chocolate Yogurt
Some people have a sophisticated palette for wine or cheese. Mine is yogurt and chocolate. There just isn’t enough chocolate flavored yogurt in the world.
So I whipped up a recipe this weekend which begged to be shared. It’s sweet with a hint of tartness, creamy and dessert-like.
Virtually all ingredients are raw + organic and can be found at a natural foods store.
Unusual ingredient#1: the exotic sounding Labneh / Lebni / Lebne, (also called Kefir Cheese), can be found in most Persian markets in Los Angeles. I even saw it in a Smart & Final once.
Similar to Greek or strained yogurt, labneh usually has one critical ingredient added — CREAM. It’s also bursting with probiotics (S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Lactis, L. Casei, L. Acidophilus, Bifodobacterium) to help maintain digestive health and restore intestinal flora (if you’ve recently been on antibiotics).
You can use full fat or ‘lite’ and there really isn’t much of a taste difference. The full-fat version is just slightly creamier and has a more luxurious mouth-feel.
Unusual ingredient #2: Chia seeds.
Chia seeds are rich in Omega-3s and as they are hydrophilic (meaning they love water), the idea is they can help control cravings by increasing satiety. Unlike flaxseeds which need to be ground in order to be absorbed by the body, the humble chia asks only for a bit of water to plump its tiny seed body twice its normal size.
Their purpose in this recipe is to add loft and airiness so the yogurt has a mousse-like texture.
1/2 C labneh (whole fat or ‘lite’)
1 tsp chia seeds (soaked in 1 TB warm water)
1 1/2 tsp raw, unfiltered honey
1 TB + 1 tsp raw organic cacao (I like the brand, Navitas Naturals)
1/2 tsp raw shredded coconut
1) Soak chia seeds for 5-10 minutes until they form a gel. I suggest using a 1/4 c measuring cup or something small so the gel slides out easily.
2) Mix the labneh, chia seeds, cacao and honey by hand until well blended.
3) Sprinkle top with coconut.
4) Chill for 1 hour before serving.
Makes 1 serving
240 (whole fat Labneh/serving)
120 (‘lite’ Labna/serving)