Today I taught a group of college-aged beginners and it reminded me how refreshing it is to return to basics.
Seated Poses.
They aren’t flashy or dynamic (they’ve even been called boring) but they teach us how to be aware of subtleties in the body, how to look for sensation, and patience. In short, they teach us awareness.
Seated Side Bend is an accessible seated posture that gently opens the hips, as well as the entire side body.
I like to sequence it early in a session as part of a seated warm-up series.
Sit in EASY POSE or Lotus (if you prefer).
Inhale and lift the right arm; Exhale and side bend to the left.
Ground your right sitting bone and knee – this is your anchor; reach your right fingertips away from your anchor.
Keep the chest parallel to the top edge of your mat; or revolve it upwards. Try to avoid collapsing in the upper body.
Opens the hips and side body (waist, ribcage, intercostal muscles and obliques)
Knee problems
If the hips are quite tight and sitting in EASY POSE is beyond moderately uncomfortable, place a bolster under the seat and sit on the edge of the bolster.