
Asana Analysis Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles Santa Monica Seated Twist

Published on September 30th, 2022 | by Catherine Tingey


Seated Twist

Seated Twist

Twists are their own category of poses in hatha yoga and they offer a variety of benefits to the body.

Commonly associated with detoxification for their wringing effect, twists can also provide relief to low back pain and stiffness in the upper back. They are an important part of a balanced yoga practice.

Let’s look at Seated Twist, an elementary yoga twist.

**Beginners may find it helpful to elevate the seat on a block or folded blanket.

Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles Santa Monica Seated TwistSEATED TWIST


From Sukhasana, cross legged seat, take your right hand or fingers behind you.

Take the left hand to the right thigh. The hand can face outward or inward, depending on what feels best in your left shoulder.

Inhale and lengthen the spine, exhale and rotate in this order–belly, chest and head last– to the right.

Go about 1/4 of a turn.

Pause and repeat, deepening the twist by a minute amount on each exhale.

**I recommend all twists be approached gradually. Twist a little bit on the exhale, pause, maybe add more. You should not arrive at the full expression of the pose in one breath cycle.


  • reduces low back pain that is muscular in origin

  • improves digestion via internal organ massage

  • relieves stiffness in the upper back


  • disc herniations

  • pregnancy

  • back surgeries

There are so many twists to explore in yoga – standing, seated, reclined and kneeling.

Reclined Twist

Pinwheel Twist

1/2 Lord of the Fishes

Twisting Prayer Lunge

Twisting Chair

Twisting Side Angle

Twisting Triangle

If you would like to learn yoga in the comfort, privacy and safety of your own home, feel free to contact me here!

Namaste, Catherine

Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles Santa Monica Twisting Triangle

Twisting Triangle

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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.


About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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