Product Reviews
Published on January 7th, 2019 | by Catherine Tingey
0Solfeggio Frequencies
Solfeggio Frequencies
Have you heard of these?
A dear friend introduced me to them and I’ve been experimenting with them ever since.
The Solfeggio Frequencies are a type of musical scale that may have originated from Gregorian chant.
Based on six notes [396hz – 417hz – 528hz – 639hz – 741hz – 852hz] they are said to penetrate the subconscious mind and bring about profound healing.
Think of it as a rebalancing of your body.
I’m not a musicologist, and of course many skeptics, as well as academicians, dispute these healing claims.
What I can say from personal use is that listening to Solfeggio Frequencies is incredibly relaxing. I’ve listened to my share of meditation music and these are definitely more potent.
When I use them at the end of a private yoga session, the client’s breathing patterns very quickly come into ‘tune’ with the wave like patterns of the music. This is obviously occurring on an autonomic level.
If you want to try them out, the YouTube channel Power Thoughts Meditation Club, with over 1 million subscribers, is a treasure trove. Their companion website is also helpful.
My favorite tracks/videos from them are:
Dream Music – This is truly one of the most beautiful tracks. If you can amplify it through speakers into your home, I highly recommend that. Small desk speakers are fine too. So ethereal and transcendent.
Sleep Music – this features a dark screen so you can play it bedside without adding ambient light into your room.
Poke around on YouTube if your interest is piqued into Solfeggio Frequencies. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
This is next level spa music.
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