
Asana Analysis Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles Santa Monica Standing Pyramid Pose

Published on August 31st, 2018 | by Catherine Tingey



STANDING PYRAMID (Parsvottanasana)

Standing Pyramid Pose is a great standing hamstring opener that lengthens the superficial back line (SBL). It also teaches balance.


Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles Santa Monica Standing Pyramid PoseTake a stance about 1/3 shorter than Warrior I, Warrior II, etc.

Angle both feet forward, but make sure feet are not on a tight rope.Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles Santa Monica Standing Pyramid Pose

Lift the front kneecap and engage the front quadricep.

Place the hands on the hips and extend the spine over your front leg until your torso is parallel to the floor.

If you’d like a deeper stretch, fold forward over the front leg.

Private Yoga Instructor Los Angeles Santa Monica Standing Pyramid Pose


  • Deeply stretches the hamstrings and superficial back line
  • Strengthens physical balance
  • Calms the mind
  • Stimulates digestion


  • Low back pain
  • Hamstring injuries


  • Place the hands on blocks
  • Hands in Reverse Prayer or clasp elbows behind back*

*This pose is traditionally taught with the elbows clasped behind the back, or with hands in Reverse Prayer. I like to start off students with the hands on the hips until they feel steady; then we can experiment with hand and arm positions.

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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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