The Best Anti Aging Pose
The Best Anti Aging Pose
We all know that stress can literally kill us but one of the more insidious effects of stress shows up on the face as accelerated aging.
Ever look at someone who’s spent a lifetime doing extreme, punishing workouts? (I’m talking about those ultra-marathon-no-days-off folks). Their faces look the same as an executive pulling twenty hour days, seven days a week.
The point is that the body and face view stress as the same — it doesn’t matter if it’s done in the spirit of health (working out) or for a career you love (or don’t).
Your face, just like any other part of you, reveals the type of life you’re leading.
If you’re not giving your body a chance to deeply recharge, believe me from personal experience, your face will show it.
The great news is that there is an entire category of poses in the yoga tradition for anti-aging. They’re called INVERSIONS.
[In my private sessions, I teach virtually zero classical inverted poses like headstand and handstand. Why I don’t recommend those poses for the general population, and even advanced practitioners, is the subject for another post.]
This post is about a safe inversion that nearly everyone can do and this is why I call it – The Best Damned Anti-Aging Pose.
It is a modified version of Legs Up The Wall pose (Viparita Karani).
All you need is a couch/chair/ottoman, or a stack of pillows if you’re in bed.
Things To Have nearby when practicing this pose:
Music or meditation app
Blanket and pillows
Heating pad or hot water bottle
Essential oils
Allow this pose to be a respite from your day.
Aim to stay in the pose for 10 minutes.
If you allow your body to get very still, you may even become aware of an increase in vigor in your heartbeat, and your pulse. This is very subtle but is a result of reversing the flow of blood and improving circulation to your head, face and heart.
Feel free to read on or just watch the Best Anti Aging Pose video here
Sidle up (sideways sit) to a chair, ottoman or pillow stack.
Lift your lower legs and rest them on whatever elevated surface you’ve chosen
Aim for at least 90 degree elevation
Release your tailbone to the floor
Maybe insert a pillow under your neck if your chin tips backwards
Cover yourself and add any combination of eye pillow, music, aromatherapy, guided meditation app, or heating pad. Aim to rest for 10 min at least.
- Boosts circulation to the heart, head and facial tissues
- Relieves swelling (edema) in the legs and feet
- Soothes digestion and menstrual cramps
- Calms the nervous system
- Can be helpful for low back pain (muscular in origin)
**If you feel your feet or toes get tingly, come out earlier and/or reduce the elevation of your legs.
- Glaucoma
- Detached retina
- Hypertension