
Pilates Private Yoga Instrutor Santa Monica Los Angeles The Best Core Workout

Published on April 3rd, 2017 | by Catherine Tingey


The Best Core Workout

The Best Core Workout

When my yoga clients want to strengthen their core, I always reach for my Classical Mat Pilates tool kit.

There are many yoga postures that require a strong core for stability and balance, but few yoga poses that actually target the core. After studying Pilates off and on for the last 3 years, I decided to get my Classical Mat Pilates Certification in 2016 when I received a scholarship through Power Pilates.

What is Pilates? Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles The Best Core Workout

Pilates is a movement system designed by German émigré, Joseph Pilates. In 1945, he published his system of 34 exercises and called it Contrology.

These exercises form the foundation of his philosophy that a strong core or ‘powerhouse’ is the cornerstone of good posture, a pain-free life, and general good health.

When those exercises proved too difficult for the average person, he designed all the apparatus (Reformer, Cadillac, Wundchair, etc.) to assist students in performing the original matwork, so when you learn and practice Classical Mat Pilates, you’re getting the Pilates philosophy in its original, undiluted form!

Pilates teaches a student how to connect with their core. The deep abdominal muscles can actually be a difficult part of the body to access in terms of sensation.

What I like most about the Pilates method is that a client’s entire mid-section will be worked (both front AND back) with very few repetitions.

Traditional core workouts in the gym have you doing 100-200 crunches on an inclined bench. That type of workout recruits your hip flexors and spares your deep abdominals.

I teach Classical Mat Pilates to give my clients the strongest core in the least amount of time. There is no better method for core strengthening than Classical Mat Pilates.

With a strong core, your yoga practice will soar to the next level.Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles The Best Core Workout

Poses like BOAT, WARRIOR III, PYRAMID, TWISTING TRIANGLE and even HEADSTAND will take on a whole new meaning as you able to access your core getting into and out of the pose!

If you are interested in learning a complete mind-body workout that will strengthen your core like no other, feel free to contact me here! I’d love to work with you.





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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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