
Recipes The Best Superfood You've Never Heard Of Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles

Published on March 13th, 2017 | by Catherine Tingey


The Best Superfood You’ve Never Heard Of

The Best Superfood You’ve Never Heard Of

Move over kale, kombucha, gogi and chia, unless you’re Asian (or a fan of Asian food), you’ve probably never heard of this amazing superfood.

Sold mostly in farmers and Asian markets, this humble, low-calorie brassica is a veritable powerhouse of health benefits. The daikon radish, which resembles a large, white carrot, has a delicate taste and a satisfying crunch. Versatile and easy to prepare, it can be made into any kind of slaw, salad or pickle.The Best Superfood You've Never Heard Of Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Brentwood Pacific Palisades Bel Air Venice

Long revered in Asia for its medicinal properties, daikon is a vegetable I think everyone should know about, especially at this time of year.

In the colder months, it’s natural (and advised) to eat a diet emphasizing warming, nourishing foods. Once the weather warms though, we may be feeling several pounds heavier and in need of a spring jumpstart!

This is where daikon really excels. Considered a supreme purifier and cleansing food, daikon reduces phlegm and mucous in the body (a result of eating more heavily in the winter), reduces inflammation, boosts digestion and is a mild diuretic.

Add that to the fact that it’s not peppery like traditional radishes, and you’ll see why I consider this such an amazing little vegetable!

Here’s a quick summary of the benefits of this amazing superfood:

  • Stimulates weight loss
  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • An alkalizing food (therefore a good complement to a meal containing animal protein)
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Anti-bacterial & anti-viral (present in the outer skin so do not peel first)
  • Aids digestion
  • Detoxifies the body (aids kidney function, mild diuretic)
  • Eliminates mucous
  • Rich in Vitamin A,C, E & B-6
  • Rich in minerals Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium & Iron

When preparing raw daikon, be sure to use it immediately. Approximately 50% of the digestive enzymes are lost within 30 minutes of cutting.

The Best Superfood You've Never Heard Of Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los AngelesEasy Daikon Salad (serves 2 small side salads)

  • 2 C daikon (matchsticks)
  • 1 TBSP soy sauce
  • 1 TBSP sesame oil
  • 1 TBSP rice vinegar
  • 1/2 -1 TSP sugar
  • 1 TBSP sesame seeds (white or black)

Wash daikon (do not peel) and remove leaves if present. Cut into matchsticks (2″ long)

Whisk remaining ingredients and pour over daikon.

Serve immediately.

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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.


About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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