Twisting Down Dog
Twisting Down Dog
Once a student has been introduced to the feeling of Ado Mukha Svanasana, Downward Facing Dog,I like to teach all of the small variations of this pose.
Twisting Down Dog is one of my favorite variations.
Students should be comfortable on their wrists, and hamstrings should be comfortably supple in Down Dog – basically if Down Dog is accessible for them, they are ready for Twisting Down Dog.
This pose releases the neck, stretches the side body, opens the hamstrings, ankles and calves, and creates space across the lower back.
Let’s break it down:
From Downward Facing Dog, widen your feet until they are roughly at the edges of your mat.
[For beginners, I suggest shortening your stance as well by stepping your feet a few inches closer to your hands.]
Pick up your right hand and hold anywhere on the outside of your left leg (thigh, calf, ankle, edge of foot).
Allow the torso (belly, chest and then gaze) to rotate to the left.
Allow the neck to hang freely underneath the left armpit.
Draw the shoulders away from the ears.
Soften your gaze.
Sink into your heels.
Stay for 3-5 breaths.
Repeat on the other side.
As you twist to the left, bend the right knee.
Easy – Forward Fold (grab elbows)
Intermediate – Forward Fold (slide palms under feet)
Easy – Childs Pose (relieve the wrists)
Easy – Embryo
Wrist injuries
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