WARRIOR I (Virabhadrasana I)
An essential component of the Sun Salute, Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) is a grounding and energizing pose, filled with fierceness and possibility.
Standing in MOUNTAIN POSE (Tadasana), step the left foot back to a high lunge. Straighten the left leg.
Angle the back foot in ~ 45 degrees. Heel-to-heel alignment.
Bend the right knee to 90 degrees, making sure the knee tracks over the 2nd toe. (You know your stance is wide enough if the right thigh is parallel to the ground when the knee is in a 90 degree position.)
Square the hips over the right knee.
Inhale the arms overhead with straight elbows, lifting the ribcage off the pelvis.
Head can be neutral, gaze forward; or gaze up at the thumbs.
Firm the right hip toward the midline by spinning the right heel clockwise.
Lift the inner arch of the back foot, zipping up the inner leg.
Pull the lower ribs in and bring the navel to spine.
Lengthen the side ribs as you pull the shoulders away from the ears.