WARRIOR III (Virabhadrasana III)
I love the expansiveness of this pose, which I refer to fondly as Superwoman. It feels especially good following a binding posture like Eagle.
Warrior III is a beautiful balletic pose that builds balance, inner focus and proprioception (the awareness of one’s body in space).
For beginners, I suggest trying this posture in front of a mirror, or with a private instructor, to aid in alignment.
Standing in Tadasana, raise your arms overhead into Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hands, or Arms Overhead Pose).
Engage the right thigh, lift the right foot’s inner arch and engage the knee cap. Slowly hinge from the hips, lifting the left leg, toe pointed towards the earth.
If that is too challenging, try lifting the leg first with the hands on the hips. Once the hips are square and the leg parallel to the ground, extend the arms.
You can play with different Arm variations for balance: hands in prayer, arms reaching back along side body (palms down), or arms out to the side (airplane wings).
The elevated limbs (arms and one leg) and torso should be parallel to the ground.
Soften the lifted leg’s buttocks and allow the hip to square (both hip points parallel to the earth). For most people, that means dropping the hip slightly.
Extend from the crown of the head while you soften the shoulders away from the ears.
Reach out from the lifted legs heel.
Switch sides.
- Half Moon
- Standing Splits
- Twisting Half Moon
- Tones the glutes, thighs, knees and abdomen.
- Strengthens the ankles
- Builds strength in the back and upper arms