
Myofascial Release Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Why I Love Body Rolling Myofascial Release

Published on February 26th, 2021 | by Catherine Tingey


Why I Love Body Rolling | Myofascial Release

For as long as I can remember as a child, I had back pain.

I can recall getting out of bed at twelve years old with an achy back.

I’d ask my Mom to grind her knuckles into my low back to release the tightness.

Fast forward several decades later…

I discovered yoga, and body rolling | myofascial release.

Now I’m teaching myofascial release (body rolling) each month on Zoom.

* If you want to receive reminders about these events, join my newsletter or email me at info@catherinetingey.com

Private Yoga Instructor Santa Monica Los Angeles Why I Love Body Rolling Myofascial Release

Why Now?

I decided to start teaching these workshops for two reasons:

The feedback from my private yoga clients has been overwhelmingly positive about Body Rolling | Myofascial Release.

I’ve received so many queries from people with neck, shoulder and back pain since the beginning of the pandemic.

I realized the Zoom format is perfect for teaching this modality so-

Each month of 2021 I will teach A Body Rolling | Myofascial Release WORKSHOP, on either Saturday or Sunday.

[The March 2021 one will be on a Sunday to accommodate anyone who works on Saturdays, and parents).

Some will be full-body and others will focus on a specific region of the body (upper, lower, etc).

What You Need for Body Rolling | Myofascial Release

–Pair of Yoga Tune Up Balls (regular size)

–Pair of yoga blocks (any brand but I like Hugger Mugger because they are heavy and durable).

*two tennis balls in a knotted sock can substitute for yoga tune up balls

I want to stress that this is NOT exercise equipment that will gather dust in your home.

Body Rolling | Myofascial Release is the most accessible form of self-care / pain relief I know of.

After a single 90 minute workshop you will have learned techniques that you can immediately use in your daily life.


Testimonials from January 2021 Workshop

‘Catherine, your calm and encouraging approach to this material is what makes you such a great teacher. It makes a huge difference in what someone gets out of it. Within 24 hours I experienced much needed relief from my very, very tight and achy right leg!’

‘Wonderful way to learn new techniques to destress areas of tension in your body. My yoga balls arrived too late from Amazon so I picked up some tennis balls from the local pet store (dog toys) as backup equipment that worked well, so I’d recommend that.’

‘The best part is what I learned will ensure a flexible, pliable musculature which is the foundation for joint health and mobility in the long run. A rare ability Catherine has is creating a relaxed and fun atmosphere that kept me focused for efficient absorption.’

‘Slept great after and have been using the techniques I learned during the workshop already.’

‘Learned a wide array of techniques to eliminate tight knots and kinks before they become chronic painful conditions.’

‘Very informative, good for all levels. Great way to learn techniques to release tight muscles.’

How To Register

$35 Venmo or Zelle to RSVP

The day prior you will receive an email with Zoom link.

If you’re new to Zoom, download the app first and test it out.

Questions? Email me: info@catherinetingey.com

What is Myofascial Release?

Introduction to Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release Video for Low Back Pain

Myofascial Release for Tight Hamstrings

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Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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About the Author

Entrepreneur, yogini, designer, award-winning filmmaker, personal trainer and former marathon runner. She left a career in finance to start her own business and along the way, became a yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for 31 years and teaching privately for 11 years.

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